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Proper Christian Behavior Towards Brothers of the 1602P

Writer's picture: Dr. Carlos DonateDr. Carlos Donate
Left to Right: Humberto Gomez Jr. (missionary to Mexico), Michael Mullins (missionary to Chile), Dr. Rex Cobb (Director of the Baptist Bible Translators Institute), Dr. Humberto Gomez Sr. (missionary to Mexico), Rodney Frey (missionary to Argentina), Giovanni Acosta (street preacher), Dr. Carlos Donate (missionary to Guatemala)
Left to Right: Humberto Gomez Jr. (missionary to Mexico), Michael Mullins (missionary to Chile), Dr. Rex Cobb (Director of the Baptist Bible Translators Institute), Dr. Humberto Gomez Sr. (missionary to Mexico), Rodney Frey (missionary to Argentina), Giovanni Acosta (street preacher), Dr. Carlos Donate (missionary to Guatemala)

1 Corinthians 8:1, “ Now concerning things offered to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies .”


It is of utmost importance to address the issue of the use of charity when confronting those brothers who defend and love 1602P, and who have differences with us. The following essay will be a brief guide on how to respond.


I.   Why don't we have to defend ourselves every time we are criticized ?

A.    Because responding to every insult is sometimes fruitless as we have to stoop to the childish levels of many who criticize us. 1 Corinthians 3:3 exhorts us, “For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?” Let us be careful not to lose our temper, become angry, or act in a carnal manner every time someone attacks us.

B.     Because responding to every insult sometimes backfires. Proverbs 26:4 teaches us , Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.” The purpose of honest conversation is edification. If you find that the conversation is not leading to edification, stop talking. Romans 14:19 states, “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

C.     Because the truth will set us free, John 8:32 says “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” We have done all the investigative work to know that we are well positioned. The RVG is the Spanish Bible that has received the most verification from many brothers of different biblical Baptist orientations. Therefore, it is not necessary to respond each time, adding fuel to the fire. Sometimes the best defense is silence.


II.     When should we respond to our critics?

A.    When done with moderation, wisdom, and a gentle spirit—but firmly! Proverbs 26:5 says, “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.” There is a wise way to respond. You never attack the person, but rather the issue at hand. Ask the critic to give an example(s) of the basis for his argument. If he does not offer them, do not respond because the person is only arguing, and that does not edify!

B.     When you or your family member are attacked, or questions of sound doctrine are raised, you have an obligation to respond on the issue of honor. Galatians 2:11, “But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed.” Both were servants of the Lord, but Peter was to be rebuked because his actions were harmful. When the intention is to harm, you should respond in a courteous manner.


III.       When speaking with someone who opposes RVG, ask questions, not make assertions .

A.    "Why do you say we are 'Ruckmanites '?"

B.     “Can you give some examples?”

C.     “What good thing can you see in the RVG?”

D.    “Do you think it is important to maintain a respectful friendship without offending each other?”

E.     “Is it possible that we can agree on the things we share in common?”


IV. There are certain antagonists who are outside of logic, reasonableness, or respect.

In such cases, avoid them! 2 Timothy 2:16 teaches, “But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. The three main attackers are:

A.    Roberto Breaker (defender of 1602P)

B.     Calvin George (RV advocate 1960)

C.     Vince LaRue (1865 supporter)

D.    A tip: When another antagonist says something against the RVG, ask “where did you get that information?” If they tell you they read it or heard it from the aforementioned characters, tell them that the information comes from people with a biased opinion.


V.    The best place to argue, teach, contend for the faith, and admonish are:

A.    Bible conferences where a pastor has control of what is said in his church

B.     In your local church, where you as the pastor, or with your pastor's permission, can teach on it

C.     In your books, pamphlets, or internet articles. *Note: I do not recommend live chats because sometimes things are said too quickly, and this can lead to misunderstandings. If this cannot be avoided, always try to keep a record of such conversations.



Recognize that among the brethren of 1602P there are many who are good, honest, and very dedicated to the Lord. It is not worth trying to win them over, but it is not worth trying to drive them away either. No two Baptists agree on everything. Allow God to convince them, not you or me. In Romans 12:9, Paul concludes, “Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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