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On this page, you can read about the leadership of the RVG Bible Society

executive board


Pastor Emanuel Rodríguez, 


Emanuel Rodríguez is the founder of the RVG Bible Society. He was saved in 1988. He graduated from Beaufort Bible Institute in Beaufort, South Carolina with a Bachelor of Divinity in 1999. He has been involved in ministry to Hispanics since 1999. He served as a missionary in Puerto Rico and in South America. He now serves as the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Beaufort, SC. He is also the author of several books, including the book titled The Word of God in Spanish.


Dr. Carlos Donate

Central America Director

Dr. Carlos Donate has served as a missionary in the country of Guatemala for more than 20 years. He graduated with honors (Summa Cum Laude and 4.0) from Hyles-Anderson College in 1984. He has established several churches in Guatemala. He also established the Fundamental Baptist Biblical Institute in Guatemala City. Some graduates are serving as church pastors. He also started a ministry to the deaf. He is an expert on the history of the Spanish Bible and biblical manuscripts. He was one of the collaborators in the revision of the Reina Valera Gómez Bible. To learn more about his ministry go to .


Dr. Peter Putney

Media Administrator 

Dr. Peter Putney has been a foreign missionary since 2011. He is currently working as a church planter in Colombia, South America. He pastors Iglesia Bautista Victoria (Victory Baptist Church) in Rionegro, Antioquia, and is the director of Seminario Bautista Victoria (Victory Baptist Seminary). Dr. Putney has his Bachelor of Divinity from Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute, his Master of Religious Education from West Coast Baptist College, and his Doctorate in Pastoral Administration from Bethany Divinity College and Seminary. He is the author of Not One Jot or Tittle and Confronting Calvinism. 


Dr. José Martínez,

Vice president

Joe Martínez graduated from Tabernacle Baptist University in Greensville, South Carolina. He has been involved in Hispanic ministry for over 20 years. He established several Spanish-speaking churches in the United States. He is also a missionary to Cuba and is establishing a new Spanish-speaking church in Tennessee


Pastor Shane Rice​

United States Director

Shane Rice served as a missionary in Peru for over 20 years. He graduated from Massillon Baptist University with a Bachelor of Theology degree in 1997. He was one of the collaborators in revising the Reina Valera Gomez Bible. He is the pastor of Anchor Baptist Church in Massillon, OH.


Dr. Humberto Gómez

President Emeritus

Dr. Humberto Gomez is the senior editor of the Reina Valera Gómez Bible. He worked for many years to revise the 1909 edition of the Reina Valera Bible, known as "La Antigua", with the purpose of eliminating all readings that are based on the Critical Texts and purify them by replacing them with readings that conform to the Received Texts. He has also served as a missionary to his own people in Mexico for over 40 years. The Lord has used him to win many souls, establish churches, and train preachers around Mexico. Dr. Gomez has received two honorary doctorates: one from the Landmark Baptist College and the other from the Antioquia Baptist Bible College.


Pastor Don Rich

South American Director

Don Rich was born in the state of Georgia in the USA and was born again in Christ at the age of 14. He announced his call to preach the word of God in 1996. He graduated from Liberty University's Biblical Institute as a “Graduate of Theology” (Thg) in 1999. Brother Rich has been a missionary in Peru since 2003. He and his wife Carla are the RVG Bible distributors in South America, associated with Victory Baptist Press.

senior Advisory board

Manuel Gomez - Missionary in Mexico
Dr. Francisco Trujillo, Pastor of Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Melbourne, FL 
Lacy Wheeler - Missionary in Mexico

Advisory board

Carlos Almanza - Pastor of Simple Faith Baptist Church in Oceanside, CA
Jonathan Everheart - Pastor of Iglesia Bautista Victoria in Shelbyville, TN
Mark Gerosin - Missionary in Colombia
Nathan Saint - Missionary in Chile
Darren Townsend - Missionary in Peru
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